yaklog 2010
here is a plain, boring list of the kayak trips i've taken this year... enjoy!
- 1.3.10: West Seattle: Seacrest Park -> around Alki + the lighthouse
- 1.9.10: West Seattle: Richey Viewpoint -> past Lincoln Park + the ferry terminal
- 1.10.10: Nisqually Delta with Jerry Dahlberg
- 1.23.10: West Seattle: Richey Viewpoint around the point to Duwamish Head
- 1.28.10: OAHU!!! Kailua Bay out to the Mokes (didn't land there tho', since it was windy + already dark out) -

- 1.29.10: Oahu: Kahana Bay (and all the way up the jungle stream - prolly my favorite part of the whole trip) -

- 1.30.10: Oahu: some beach out to Rabbit/Manana Island, another island (dur) and the Makapuu Point lighthouse -

- 1.31.10: Oahu: Kaneohe Bay: Heeia launch all the way to Chinaman's Hat Island... watched the moonrise on the way back (beeutiful!) -

- 2.1.10: Oahu: Kailua Bay: out to Flat Island & the Mokes, before taking the kayak back to the rental joint (Twogood Kayaks) -

- 2.7.10: West Seattle over to Blake Island (the water sure felt cold!)
- 2.14.10: West Seattle: Don Armeni Park to Kellogg Island (along Harbor Island & up the Duwamish a bit)
- 2.21.10: Bellingham: Marine Park to Chuckanut Bay
- 2.28.10: Seattle: Golden Gardens -> the locks -> south end of Discovery Park
- 3.6.10: West Seattle over to Blake Island; around the island & back... was really windy/choppy on the way there.
- 3.14.10: West Seattle: Richey Viewpoint past Lincoln Park to Arroyo Heights (was trying to make it to Seahurst/Burien, but gave up)
- 3.19.10: West Seattle: sunset paddle after work (Richey Viewpoint --> south)
- 3.20.10: Duwamish: sunrise paddle from Don Armeni to Harbor Island marina (before heading down to Olympia for Dillon's 18th)
- 3.27.10: West Seattle: Richey Viewpoint around the lighthouse to Duwamish Head - saw a gray whale
- 4.4.10: Drayton Harbor: sunrise paddle from the Blaine boat launch to the mouth of Dakota Creek - my Easter sunrise service...
- 4.10.10: West Seattle: Richey Viewpoint -> south to Lowman Beach (rode some wind waves down; hated life the way back)
- 4.11.10: West Seattle: pretty much the same trip as above, but took a break at the south end of Lincoln Park
- 4.16.10: West Seattle: Richey Viewpoint -> Duwamish Head (once i got back to the lighthouse, it started POURING rain)
- 4.18.10: Ballard ship canal: 14th street ramp to the Arboretum & back
- 4.25.10: Duwamish: Don Armeni to Kellogg Island; back via the east channel (other side of Harbor Island)
- 4.29.10: West Seattle: quick post-work paddle along Alki Beach
- 4.30.10: [...not kayaking, but a concert... went to see Leon Redbone (Chip's fave) at the Triple Door in Seattle...]
- 5.1.10: San Juan Island: campsite 18 south to False Bay - saw some eagles, seals, hawks & heron... but not whales
- 5.1.10: [...Leon Redbone concert #2! at Friday Harbor on San Juan Island...]
- 5.2.10: San Juan Island: campsite 18 north to Mitchell Bay - still no whales this trip
- 5.2.10: [...bought a ticket to see Leon on Orcas Island tonight too, but couldn't make it do to the lame spring ferry schedule...]
- 5.5.10: West Seattle: post-work paddle along Alki
- 5.7.10: West Seattle: post-work paddle down to Lincoln Park
- 5.8.10: Bellingham: Marine Park to Chuckanut Bay
- 5.10.10: Semiahmoo Spit (all the way around it)
- 5.11.10: West Seattle: Alki to Duwamish Head
- 5.12.10: West Seattle: Alki to Don Armeni (water taxi ride + walk home + nice sunset paddle + LOST = happy rick)
- 5.14.10: West Seattle: Alki to Lincoln Park
- 5.15.10: West Seattle to Blake Island... spent the afternoon on the island, good times... got pummelled by the wind on the way back
- 5.22.10: San Diego! pelicans! rented a yak from Aqua Adventures & paddled around Mission Bay - went out to the ocean, then into Mariners Basin - then made a full loop around the bay with a portage out along Fiesta Island Road...
- 5.31.10: West Seattle: morning paddle while the fam was snoozing - Don Armeni to a micro-beach on Harbor Island
- 5.31.10: West Seattle: Alki to Duwamish Head (finally got sunny after a full weekend of cloudy, drizzly poo)
- 6.2.10: West Seattle: Alki to Duwamish Head
- 6.5.10: Olympia: Woodward Bay into Henderson Inlet - with Dillon!
- 6.6.10: West Seattle: Don Armeni -> Harbor Island circumnavigation
- 6.6.10: quick night paddle along Alki
- 6.7.10: Alki around the point & south (nice sunset paddle after work)
- 6.8.10: Alki -> Lincoln Park (heard some thunder, then the rain started)
- 6.9.10: Alki -> Don Armeni <-
- 6.10.10: Don Armeni -> Alki <-
- 6.11.10: Alki -> Blake Island <-
- 6.12.10: Alki -> Lincoln Park <-
- 6.13.10: Alki -> Lincoln Park -> back up to Alki & around the point to the beach
- 6.15.10: Alki -> around the point -> Don Armeni
- 6.16.10: Alki -> Don Armeni <-
- 6.19.10: Golden Gardens -> along Shoreline -> to Edmonds <- [long trip back]
- 6.22.10: Alki -> Don Armeni <-
- 6.23.10: Alki -> Lincoln Park <-
- 6.24.10: Alki (around the point & along the beach - with Ernie)
- 6.26.10: Alki -> around Blake Island <-
- 6.27.10: Alki -> around the point & along the beach in crazy-fun choppyness
- 6.29.10: ditto, although the choppyness wasn't quite as fun this time
- 6.30.10: Alki -> Seacrest Park
- 7.3.10: Shaw Island -> Blind Island with Dillon
- 7.7.10: Alki -> Don Armeni Park
- 7.10.10: Bellingham: Marine Park to Chuckanut Island
- 7.11.10: Alki -> Lincoln Park -> back around Alki Point
- 7.12.10: Alki -> Duwamish Head
- 7.13.10: Alki -> Lincoln Park
- 7.17.10: Orcas Island: Mountain Lake with John Kloffy (saw an eagle + raven)
- 7.18.10: Orcas over to Sucia's east side - around the fingers w/a stop at Ewing Cove - took lots of pictures of a yellow + black butterfly
- 7.25.10: Alki -> Blake Island [around the island & back]
- 7.26.10: Alki - a late night trip around the point & south [to catch the moon rise]
- 7.27.10: Alki -> Seacrest Park
- 8.4.10: Detroit - couldn't sleep, so i took a sunrise walk along the river
- 8.7.10: Fairbanks - took a walk along the Chena River... took lots of pics of flowers, and the sunset reflecting off the river (a few with some rafters & a silhouette of some moose sign thing) - lost all these photos with the Droid
- 8.8.10: Denail - hiked along most of the western trails in the entrance area... all the way to the sled dogs (but couldn't visit them 'cuz it was after 5pm)
- 8.9.10: Denail - rode the ELEVEN HOUR bus trip to Wonder Lake... saw bear, moose, caribou, dall sheep, wolves... took lots of pics of Mt. McKinley, even some from across Wonder Lake. ate a couple dozen wild blueberries there. lost ALL of my pics from this trip with the Droid (sigh)
- 8.10.10: Denail - walked along the Horseshow Lake trail; rode the train to Anchorage (took us right thru the plane wreckage - RIP Ted Stevens & co)
- 8.11.10: Whittier - 26 glacier cruise before hopping the ferry to Juneau
- 8.13.10: Juneau: first paddle on Mendenhall Lake - got fairly close to the glacier & several icebergs
- 8.14.10: Echo Cove -> all around Berner's Bay - was on the water about 11 hours this day - past several waterfalls, saw lots of eagles, was bitten by many bugs - by far the neatest paddle of the trip
- 8.15.10: Mendenhall Lake west side trail - hiked along the west side of the glacier - took several side trips trying to get spiffier pictures
- 8.15.10: Amalga Harbor to the mouth of the Eagle River... where i lost my Droid - d'oh! had several hundred pictures + video clips from the trip. gone forever! :( was really too tired from hiking 5 hours that morning (and paddling around 20 miles the day before), and should've rested instead of trying to hit the water.
- 8.16.10: Mendenhall Lake - paddled right up to the face of the glacier & touched it! the safer, west side of it, that is... the other side was pretty, but the waterfall, calving & general instability made it too dangerous to approach.
- 8.16-20.10: rode the ferry from Juneau all the way to Bellingham - for 3.5 days! camped in my tent on a deck of the ship, too close to about a dozen other tents. one next door neighbor could've been a stand-in for the Dos Equis "Most Interesting Man in the World" commercials... awesome.
- 8.21.10: walked around Long Beach a bit, stopped by the North Head Lighthouse at Cape Disappointment, camped at Fort Stevens down in Oregon
- 8.22.10: paddled Coffenbury Lake (without really thinking about the significance of the name) at the campground - it's a very narrow lake about a mile long
- 8.22.10: spent the day with Chip's family... walking around Long Beach... where they scattered his ashes. miss you pal... still think of you every day.
- ---FEEL LIKE THIS CONCLUDED A CHAPTER IN MY LIFE... farewell, my friend.
- 8.24.10: Duwamish: beach by Saltys to Kellogg Island via the marina
- 8.25.10: Lake Sammamish (state park to boss's house for the company party, then up too far north... got back late, to the park ranger's dismay)
- 8.28.10: Alki (Richey Viewpoint -> Duwamish Head <- back)
- 9.5.10: Orcas Island: West Sound > Jones Island > back thru the Wasp Islands
- 9.11.10: Nisqually Delta - with Dillon
- 9.12.10: Alki: Richey Viewpoint around Alki, along the beach for a bit
- 9.14.10: Alki - post-work paddle
- 9.25.10: Lake Union > Arboretum
- 10.2.10: Whale watching trip with mom on my berfday - off of Orcas Island
- 10.6.10: Alki - think this was the last post-work paddle of the season <sigh>
- 10.17.10: Alki > Lincoln Park < saw at least 1 eagle
- 10.30.10: Alki: Seacrest Park > lighthouse < in the rain
- 10.31.10: Alki: Richey Viewpoint > Seacrest < in the wind
- 11.6.10: Alki: Seacrest Park > around the lighthouse <
- 11.7.10: Alki: Richey Viewpoint > Don Armeni <
- 11.14.10: Bellingham: Marine Park > Chuckanut Bay
- 11.21.10: Duwamish: Don Armeni > Harbor Island marina < SNOW! - got pizza down in Olympia with yer peeps that night >:O)
- [pretty sure i got one or two paddles in before the end of the year... at least one in december. will have to re-examine the photographic evidence]
^ kayaking around Shaw Island on July 4, 2009

older yaklogs:

as with all my yaklogs, this page is in memory of Chip Stewart. we had planned to paddle thru the Washington Park Arboretum just after his 48th birthday, but things didn't work out. *sniff sniff*

^ here's a self-portrait 'toon that Chip drew of himself. he was a very talented, brilliant & funny dude.
miss you, Charlie... |